The preparation of the minestrone is quite simple but rather long and laborious, because of the cleaning and cutting of the many vegetables that make it up, but it will be worth putting a bit of your time on it, if just for the satisfaction of being able to taste a dish made entirely with fresh vegetables and the ingredients you like the most.
1 big onion
1 bunch of parsley, chopped
1 garlic clove
100 g parmigiano reggiano
200 g pumpkin
250 g cauliflower
2 carrots
2 potatoes
2 stalks celery
40 g bacon
olive oil
200 g peas
2 zucchini
4 leaves basil
300 g tomatoes
200 g beans
150 g leeks
To prepare the soup start by washing and peeling the vegetables: Peel the potatoes and pumpkin and cut it into cubes, do the same with the zucchini, cut into strips leeks and cauliflower florets.
Finely chop the carrots, celery, onion and garlic and put them to fry in a large pan with olive oil. When the vegetables have softened, add the slice of bacon and sauté, then add all the prepared vegetables which have been diced, peas and beans.
Then cover the whole with cold water and bring to a boil. At this point add the crust of Parmesan cheese and season with salt. Cover the soup and let it simmer until the vegetables are cooked (it will take about 50 minutes).
Finally add the chopped parsley and basil and finish with a bit of extra virgin olive oil as a condiment, adding ground pepper, if you like it. Serve your vegetable soup hot or warm!
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